5 Ways to Get Better with Age

If you’ve spent any significant amount of time in the gym, chances are you’ve heard those guys in the locker [Read More]

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Squat. More.

No matter who you are, chances are you should be squatting.  If you already squat, there’s a good chance you [Read More]

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3 Tips for a Clean and Jerk PR

The Clean and Jerk is one of the most effective exercises the weightroom can offer.   If you master proper form [Read More]

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Girls Don’t Know Squat: Female Fitness Myths Busted

  False: Lifting heavy weights will make me bulky. The Truth: If you’re a woman, you probably don’t have hormones [Read More]

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Resistance Training: How young is too young? Ask the NSCA

Almost every week, some parent asks me, “At what age can my young athlete start a strength and conditioning program?” [Read More]

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4 Pillars of Speed with 3 x Olympian Abderaman Brahim

Today, I got a serious lesson in speed. I got to spend the day at Savannah State University with Abderaman [Read More]

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3 Reasons to Throw Your Bosu Ball Away!

Bosu balls, inflatable discs for under your feet, and other stability trainers have been marketed as tools for building balance, [Read More]

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Offseason Football Training: Work Your Weakness

Logan Cobb By special guest author Logan Cobb, BS, CPT, and Certified Athletic Trainer.  Check him [Read More]

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Strongman Training: With Expert Guest Nate Tuttle

Have you ever seen a strongman competition, on television?  If so, you’ve probably watched in awe as monstrous men performed [Read More]

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Is Jogging Bad?

It seems to me that jogging is nothing more than running slowly.  How is it that such a simple thing [Read More]

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